-There are several possible reasons why your order has not yet been mediated:
The payment has not arrived yet (for example bank transfers)
In the case of the bank transfer, it can take between 2 and 4 days until we received the payment.
The payment has not been completed (PayPal payments - Status: \"Waiting\").
In rare cases, delays occur with PayPal payments. The payment is left with the status \"Waiting\" although the
money has been debited from your bank account. In this case, PayPal needs to check the payment first for their own
security reasons.
We received your payment, you are still within the specified delivery time.
We always mediate after the receipt of the payment within the specified delivery times and to the terms and
conditions that are mentioned in the item description.
Therefore please check whether the money was actually transferred completely. If this does not lead you anywhere
please send an email to support@zayse.com